Becoming ecologically friendly, or eco-friendly for short, isn’t nearly as hard as one might think. Going green can be done simply by changing a few lifestyle habits and activities. Being eco-friendly gives a person the feeling that they are doing everything they can to help protect the environment and also their own personal health, as green living is almost always a more healthy alternative.
On a personal basis, being eco-friendly can start right in the home. Some ways to achieve this include using organic cleaning products, light bulbs that use less wattage, solar panels when possible, growing your own organic garden, turning the thermostat up or down a notch or two depending on the season, and recycling whenever possible. Carpooling with fellow employees is a good way to save energy and cut down on harmful emissions. By modifying your lifestyle just slightly, you can do your part in becoming more eco-friendly.
Using eco-friendly products has become a new and quite popular trend. Not only are consumers purchasing organic products such as foods and cleaning materials, they are also seeking out organic companies that use natural ingredients to manufacture their goods, such as cotton products that are made as naturally as possible, and toiletries that are vegetable based instead of being made from harmful chemicals. Consumers are now realizing that most meats purchased in grocery stores are being raised with the use of toxic materials.
Meat animals such as beef and pork are fed diets that contain antibiotics and hormones. The cattle feed often times contains the dead carcasses of sick animals. Considering that cattle are not carnivores, it’s no wonder the meat we are eating is not as healthy as it was in the past, when cattle were properly fed grain and allowed to graze in fields of natural grass.
How can you become more eco-friendly? Write a list and start doing it.